Why alcohol spells trouble for your skin

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Why alcohol spells trouble for your skin

This alcohol-induced dehydration is why we can look a bit “rougher” than usual the morning after a night of drinking. As a diuretic, alcohol causes the body to urinate more frequently, which causes dehydration in the body. The New Year is finally here, with many participating in Dry January as a way to start 2024 off on a healthier note. It’s no secret that, as a toxin, alcohol has many negative effects on the body — and yet, this evidence still may not be enough to dissuade some of us from indulging in one too many.

If you wake up with a puffy face or particularly bouncy under eyes, you’re not alone. “Alcohol can cause water retention and facial puffiness,” Marcus says, which may last throughout the next morning and even until https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/how-to-overcome-alcoholism/ midday. If you really want to level up, consider having an electrolyte replacement mixed in a glass of water right before you fall asleep—the Hydrating Electrolyte Mix packets from Cure are one A+ choice.

What Happens To Your Skin When You Stop Drinking?

When these veins are dilated the appearance has been likened to ‘caput medusa’ (head of Medusa), referring to Greek mythology where a once beautiful woman was cursed and her hair turned into snakes. And for those who aren’t interested in giving up drinking entirely, a few simple steps can help protect your complexion. For people living with AUD, or people who are worried about their intake of alcohol, help and support are available. To fight them, your body uses antioxidants such as vitamin A, which decreases your overall levels of those antioxidants. While harmless, larger pores make your skin look older and less healthy overall. Combined, the higher oil levels and inability to fight off acne-causing bacteria may result in more frequent breakouts.

how alcohol affects your skin

But its breakdown product, acetaldehyde, is a very potent vasodilator in the skin,” Soleymani said. As vasodilators, alcohol and acetaldehyde dilate our blood vessels, causing our faces to flush and turn red. “Within several days [of quitting alcohol], patients may notice a difference in their skin hydration and that their skin appears how alcohol affects your skin smoother, brighter and stronger,” Casey said. Beyond this, by definition, consuming enough alcohol to cause a “brownout,” “blackout,” hangover, or other overt brain symptomatology is evidence that the alcohol you’ve consumed is creating problems in your brain. Alcohol use disorder (or alcoholism) is also a clear issue for the brain.

The major ways alcohol affects your skin.

You know, hangover anxiety that comes along the second you wake up after a night out? This could feel like party regret, haste to get your affairs in order, or stress surrounding your physical state (headache, stomach discomfort, etc.). Our journalists will continue to cover the twists and turns during this historic presidential election. With your help, we’ll bring you hard-hitting investigations, well-researched analysis and timely takes you can’t find elsewhere. Reporting in this current political climate is a responsibility we do not take lightly, and we thank you for your support. While your new rosy glow may not bother you too much, the inflammation of this flushing bothers your skin, and quite a lot.

  • One study of US women examining the link between type of alcohol consumption and psoriasis  found an elevated risk for women who consumed 2.3 alcoholic beverages per week or more compared to nondrinkers.
  • Lack of hydration in the body and dehydrated skin can also decrease skin elasticity.
  • If you consume alcohol without sufficiently hydrating yourself (for example, having a glass of water between alcoholic drinks), your body will become dehydrated.
  • It’s no secret that, as a toxin, alcohol has many negative effects on the body — and yet, this evidence still may not be enough to dissuade some of us from indulging in one too many.

In addition, dehydration could be one of the reasons your head is pounding after one too many cocktails. “Alcohol causes dehydration, and dehydration can cause the skin to look pale, dry, and more prone to wrinkling,” board-certified dermatologist and founder of MaeiMD Rebecca Marcus, M.D. “Keep in mind that consuming the same volume of a drink with a lower alcohol content like beer or wine will have less alcohol than the same amount of liquor,” Cices said. As alcohol is already inflammatory, it’s best to avoid other ingredients that can contribute to inflammation. Additionally, if the body is dehydrated for too long, it may try to counteract this dryness by kicking its sebum production into high gear. “When you’re systemically dehydrated, one of the first places you see it is in the skin,” said Dr. Teo Soleymani, a California-based, double board-certified dermatologist.

Health problems due to alcohol

Drinking alcohol may make you more likely to develop certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis, rosacea, and seborrhoeic or nummular dermatitis. One study found that women who consumed eight or more drinks a week perceived themselves as looking older than those who didn’t drink (8). Alcohol can cause your face to become temporarily red and flushed (3).

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James Clyde

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